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Case Study: Intermountain Health Sees Promising Results Using a New Model of Care in Heart Failure
Intermountain Health sees promising clinical and financial results by adding Story Health's novel digital health solution to a leading heart failure program.
Intermountain Health, one of the nation’s premier nonprofit health systems, had made tremendous progress with their Heart Failure (HF) program. However, challenges in patient care and gaps in medication therapy remained. Intermountain began piloting Story Health's care model in early 2023.
The novel digital health solution includes:
Health Coach Support | Specialized care team guides patients to keep them on track between clinic visits
Integrations + Health Data | Patient provided blood pressure, weight, and symptom data, plus information from the EHR to inform changes
Medication Optimization | Protocol-based, individualized care plans with alerts enable rapid medication titrations
Early results from the pilot have been very promising
Financial results include:
65% fewer hospitalizations
53% less ED utilization
>3 clinic slots opened up per enrolled patient
Intermountain Health pilot financial results with Story Health
Clinical results include:
6x increase in GDMT optimization from baseline
20% of patients had significant improvement in EF
86 patient NPS (net promoter score)
10+ point improvement in quality of life (measured by KCCQ)
Intermountain Health pilot clinical results with Story Health